OPUS Centre for Research Excellence Making Great Progress

Centre for Research Excellence in Total Joint Replacement is now open for business!

For those of you are not yet aware, the School’s Centre for Research Excellence in Total Joint Replacement is now open for business. Our mission closely aligns to our call sign “OPUS” which represents Optimisation of oUtcomes, improved equity, cost effectiveness and precise patient Selection. Capacity is building after our first whole team meeting in July and the recruitment of a number of staff in PhD, post-doctoral and Research Assistant roles.

Still there’s a lot to accomplish and we’d love you to join us along the way. You can do this by viewing our comprehensive website at http://medicine.unimelb.edu.au/surgery/opus, via Facebook at OPUS Joint Replacement and twitter @OPUSunimelb, and by reading our regular newsletter which you can receive by signing up to our mailing list by clicking here. You can find all the issues of our Newsletter on our website via the ‘Newsletter’ hyperlink.Issue 2 out now!

So if you have any feedback or require any additional information, we are here and can help. And we’re not just for clinicians, we’re also interesting in improving healthcare for the community as a whole. So like us on Facebook, tweet us on Twitter or follow our work through the newsletter and see what a rapid difference we are making in this critical aspect of healthcare.