Department of Surgery Seeding Grants 2017 - Successful Applicants

We are pleased to announce the five winners of the inaugural round for one-year seeding grants of $20,000 each through the Department of Surgery for 2017.

The applications were rigorously independently assessed by a cross-section of the Research Committee from across the precincts, and they have all agreed that the successful applications have real potential in being able to converted into subsequent NHMRC  grant applications – which will augment our department grant pipeline and provide support to our early career researchers. The applications received in this inaugural seeding grant round were exceptional, and the overall high standard is very positive for the research output of the entire department. The winners will be presented with their seeding grants at the Department of Surgery Research Showcase at the Woodward in Parkville on 14th November 2017.

The successful applicants (in order) are:

*Duncan Crombie (Ophthalmology) – top marks overall;
*David Canty (the Royal Melbourne Hospital);
*Claudia Di Bella (St Vincent’s Hospital);
*Carmine Onofrillo (St Vincent’s Hospital);
*Romane Blanchard (St  Vincent’s Hospital).

Our congratulations to all who submitted an application in this round