Visit from Fudan University delegation

Strengthening the relationship between two Universities

A delegation of GPs from Fudan University in Shanghai, China visited the Department, deepening the collaborative relationship built upon the China 9-Group of 8, Australia (C9-Go8) MOU established in 2010.

Dr Phyllis Lau and Prof Meredith Temple-Smith hosted the group which included amongst others Prof Zhushan Zhu, Dean of the Department of General Practice, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University; Prof Zhu is universally regarded in China as a pioneer in general practice having led the Shanghai Medical College to become the first Family Medicine Training Program in the world to receive accreditation against the WONCA Global Standards for Postgraduate Family Medicine Education.

The main focus of the visit was to exchange knowledge on primary care research, academic GP training and community engagement. The group met with the leads of each research group, past academic GPs, and visited Murray City Country Coast (MCCC) GP Training and North Richmond Community Health. The 3-day visit concluded with a round table discussion to explore future directions and further opportunities for academic and research collaborations between the two departments.

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