VicHealth Innovation Research Grant to pilot LGBTI safe housing network
Developing a LGBTI safe housing network to prevent homelessness and build social connection and resilience
Ruth McNair and Cal Andrews at the Department of General Practice, and Liam Leonard (Director GLHV, Australian research Centre for Sex, Health and Society) at La Trobe University were successful in applying for a $200,000 Innovation Research Grant from VicHealth.
This grant will build on a previous research project initiated by the Gay and Lesbian Foundation of Australia. It aims to help LGBTI people in Victoria find safe, sustainable accommodation, build social connections, access support, and increase capacity in the private rental market and community housing associations for inclusive providers.
The steering group includes representation from Family Access Network, queerspace - Drummond Street Services, Equinox, WorkingOut, Kildonan UnitingCare, Launch Housing, Council to Homeless Persons, and Community Housing Federation of Victoria.