The Readiness Program

The Readiness Program is led by the University of Melbourne’s Safer Families Centre in a partnership with the RACGP, Blue Knot Foundation and Phoenix Australia. This national training program, funded by the Australian Government, aims to strengthen capacity of primary care to effectively recognise, respond, refer and record Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) using a trauma and violence informed approach.

At least one in 10 women attending general practice will have experienced domestic violence, which translates to around five women per week for a full time GP. Primary care also has an important role to play in responding to and caring for patients who are experiencing DFV as they are the highest group people will talk to about past or current domestic violence. Even more than the police.

“A health professional may be the only person that sees a victim who is experiencing family violence. Your report could save a life.” - Jasmine, WEAVERS lived experience group

There are barriers to primary care staff accessing existing training resources due to lack of flexibility, and inability to attend day long workshops because of clinical commitments.

The Readiness Program has been designed to offer a range of flexible, accessible and accredited learning options for all primary care staff including a suite of e-learning modules available from The University of Melbourne’s learning platform, the Pathways to Safety virtual practice-centred learning, a RACGP webinar series and a program of online training workshops.

The Program builds on past consultations with general practice, survivors and international best practice evidence. Recent systematic reviews conducted by the Safer Families Centre, are the basis for how to best prepare health practitioners to address DFV.

(The training) “changed my own feelings of readiness to bring up the topic of FV.” - Quote from a training attendee

The Readiness Program