
In this topic students will link clinical practice to translational science, with deeper case complexity commensurate with growing clinical understanding. Students will draw on their growing competence in clinical medicine, history-taking and examination to identify a relevant clinical case and then to research and synthesis aspects of translational medicine related to that patient case.

Cases will be presented as part of the assessments and the most outstanding of these will be supported for preparation submission to a journal for publication.

As an additional part of the topic, the top three students (per term) will also be given the opportunity to present their work at the Royal Melbourne Hospital Grand rounds. This is in addition to the support provided for publication.

Intended Learning Outcomes

  • Identify and evaluate areas where science and scholarly literature informs clinical practice.
  • Synthesize findings from clinical cases and previous advances through research to identify relevant research questions and propose strategies for how these may be explored.
  • Discuss how translational medicine can inform future practice to advance patient care at a systems level.
  • Demonstrate how knowledge of translational clinical medicine informs professional practice and developing professional identity as a clinician researcher.