2025 Dame Kate Campbell Fellows

Pictured above: Dr Clare Whitehead, Associate Professor Louise Owen, Associate Professor Yasmin Jayasinghe and Professor Tu’uhevaha Kaitu’u-Lino

Congratulations to Dr Clare Whitehead, Associate Professor Yasmin Jayasinghe and Associate Professor Louise Owen on being awarded a 2025 Dame Kate Campbell Fellowship (DKCF).  Arising from our Faculty’s Beyond 2018 Strategy and supported by 2030 Advancing Health, these Fellowships are named after the noted Australian physician and paediatrician.

This is a highly competitive process with a total of 19 out of 73 applications awarded (26%), and awardees were selected based on academic merit, research impact, leadership, engagement and adherence to the Faculty’s values and strategic priorities. This award recognises the incredible contributions that Clare, Yasmin, and Louise have already made and continue to make for our Faculty.

For our Department, we are reminded of our wonderful contributions to the Melbourne Medical School with O&G being awarded 3 out of the 6 Fellowships awarded to MMS.

In addition, we also congratulate Professor Tu’uhevaha Kaitu’u-Lino who was successfully reappointed/renewed as a Dame Kate Campbell Fellow.

As DCKFs, awardees are eligible for safety net salary and project support as well as professional development opportunities, including mentorship and support.

We congratulate Clare, Yasmin, Louise and Tu’uhe on this wonderful achievement.