Graduate Research Degree Awarded - Joshua Osowicki

Congratulations to Joshua Osowicki - Graduate Research Degree Awarded 10 August 2021.

Degree: PhD
Supervisors: Andrew Steer, Jonathan Carapetis, Pierre Smeesters, Paul Licciardi
Advisory Committee: Andrew Davidson, Deborah Williamson, Jim Buttery

Thesis Title: Group A Streptococcal Human Challenge Study: Building a pharyngitis model in healthy adults to accelerate vaccine development

Thesis Summary: Streptococcus pyogenes (group A Streptococcus, GAS) is a formidable human pathogen, responsible for an immense global burden of mortality and morbidity across a diverse clinical spectrum. Development of a GAS vaccine is an important unmet public health need but has been frustrated by scientific, regulatory, and commercial barriers. With this thesis, I detail the context, rationale and milestones on the path to succesfully establishing the world's only GAS human challenge model to accelerate vaccine development and study host-pathogen interactions.

Date awarded: 10 August 2021

Joshua Osowicki