Hayley Barker receives Indigenous Staff Excellence Award

Hayley Barker was recently recognised with an Indigenous Staff Excellence Award at the Inaugural MDHS Indigenous Conference dinner on 25th September.

This conference provided an invaluable opportunity to showcase the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers, academics and professional staff.

Hayley received the award for Professional Staff Excellence and exemplifying outstanding leadership in executing ‘Green It and They Will Come' initiative. This initiative has successfully fostered a strong sense of ownership and connection among staff while also helping to build an welcoming work environment.

Together with some of her plant-loving colleagues, Hayley has personally propagated over 50 houseplants for the office this year! Not only has this been cost-effective but most importantly, it has been a lot of fun!

Congratulations to Hayley and the other deserving award recipients: Dr Emily Munro-Harrison, Patrick Mercer, Skye Stewart, Lesley Martin, and Levi Murray.

Read more about the conference and awards here: https://mdhs.unimelb.edu.au/news-and-events/mdhs-indigenous-conference-celebrates-indigenous-discovery-and-excellence