Introduce the foundational philosophies and worldviews that underpin research methodology in HPE.
Philosophical Worldviews (McMaster)
This video talks about how theory is used in research, with a focus on philosophical world views by Meredith Vanstone (Duration - 21:31).
The PAPERS Podcast - Paradigms
In this methods consult episode Lara Varpio provides an overview of two of the most common paradigms in HPE - the post-positivist and constructivist paradigms [Duration 19:33].
A Guide to Research Paradigms Relevant to Medical Education
This AM Last Page provides a one pager about research paradigms and the relationships between paradigm, ontology, epistemology and methodology and how it informs choices and interpretation of research.
Brown & Duenas - A Medical Science Educator’s Guide to Selecting a Research Paradigm
This article outlines a simple approach for novices to selecting a research paradigm, provides succinct definitions of the components and examples of how one's paradigm influences research design.
Exploring Paradigms, Ontologies, Epistemologies, Axiologies, and Methodologies
This article emphasises the influence and importance of research paradigms to research design and the need to understand not only your own but others' paradigms. It also highlights the positive aspects of the tensions between paradigms and encourages acknowledgement and valuing of diversity in paradigmatic choices. It is the first article in a series of articles that introduce the common paradigms in HPE.