Austin Health (CEADS) Unit December Newsletter

Read our latest Austin Health Clinical Ethics and Decision Support (CEADS) unit December newsletter now!

The Austin Health Clinical Ethics and Decision Support (CEADS) unit is jointly funded by Austin Health and the Department of Surgery, University of Melbourne. The unit aims to help staff to engage in deeper discussion and systematic reflection on the ethical components of decision making. The Unit's intent is to contribute to and support discussions or consultations that will provide an additional layer of support or advice to hospital clinicians and management.

As part of the Unit's activities, the CEADS newsletter will be published quarterly. Each issue will focus on a current topic of interest relating to clinical ethics. Our debut edition features occupational violence and aggression (OVA). A/Prof Rosalind McDougall discusses occupational violence and aggression through an ethical lense; how do we balance our values and safety in the moment as we respond to conflict, what decisions do we make and why. The newsletter will offer further reading resources for clinicians to access and will be available on the Clinical Ethics PULSE page.

To view the December edition of the CEADS newsletter, click here!

If you would like to subscribe to this quarterly newsletter, please email