

Stage 1:


Those students who wish to organise their own Vocational Selective may approach practising clinicians usually with a current affiliation with the Melbourne Medical School for selected sites, or external to Melbourne Medical School only by specific arrangement and with the approval of the clinical school and DME coordinator.

Students may not arrange student-initiated VS terms during Stage 1 with supervisors at any Clinical School.

PRIOR to approaching a proposed supervisor, students MUST check with the Clinical School at the supervisor’s hospital. If the supervisor’s hospital does not have a clinical school, students MUST check with the Department with which the proposed Supervisor is associated This helps ensure the supervisory capacity of clinicians who are required for PCP2, PCP3 or Trainee Intern roles is not compromised. A list of relevant contacts is available here; with the form to be used for information gathering and approval of proposals located here. This form can be completed online or alternatively printed, completed in hardcopy and scanned for emailing. Clinical Schools and Departments will grant permission to approach prospective supervisors on a "first come, first served" basis.

All Vocational Selectives must be based in Victoria, unless a valid reason for an external VS and a suitable supervisor arrangement can be made by the student and approved before the end of April. The guidelines used to assess these proposals are available on the MD policies, procedures and forms webpage. Students must attend their clinical schools for the Preparation for Practice term, and will not generally be approved for more than one overseas term during TTP. Students wishing to do a TTP term (including VS) overseas can only do so upon demonstrating the need for such, and with prior approval from their clinical school and DME, on the understanding that they are not applying for internship in Victoria.

It is important to recognise that busy clinicians have limited supervisory capacity and will not be able to agree to all requests. Once the supervisor's agreement is obtained, the student is obligated to undertake their selective with that supervisor and may not change their mind.


Students who do not wish to organise their own Vocational Selective are able to express their preferences for a pool of selectives initiated by individual supervisors, private clinics or hospital-based units. In stage 1, this will include any placements available at RVEEH and The Melbourne Clinic. Supervisor-initiated placements occur outside of the clinical schools.

Stage 2

In Stage 2, all students who did not receive a VS allocation in the Stage 1 match will be referred to their clinical school for local VS place matching. A local matching process will be offered for these VS terms, and preferences will be arranged via the local clinical school.