MAGPIE Study: A genomic test intervention designed to provide patients with personalised melanoma, bowel, breast, and prostate cancer screening information

Project Details

Skin melanomas, breast, bowel, and prostate cancer were the most diagnosed cancers in Australia in 2019. The MAGPIE (Multi-cAncer genomic risk assessment to target screening in General PractIcE) study is the first of its kind in the world, aiming to pilot the use of a multi-cancer polygenic risk score (DNA test) in primary care. MAGPIE will determine how primary care patients use the information from a multi-cancer DNA, which provides their personalised risk of multiple cancers, along with tailored cancer screening recommendations. It aims to determine how best to deliver this risk and screening information to ensure it helps people make the best decision about doing cancer screening tests.


Dr. Sibel Saya, Study Coordinator/ Research Fellow, University of Melbourne

Herman Prof Jon Emery, Academic GP, University of Melbourne

Prof Mark Jenkins, Genetic Epidemiologist, University of Melbourne

Dr. Ingrid Winsnip, Investigator, University of Melbourne

A/Prof Daniel Buchanan, Genetic Pathologist, University of Melbourne

Dr. Paul James, Clinical Geneticist, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre & University of Melbourne

Dr. Laura Forrest, Research Fellow/Genetic Counsellor, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre & University of Melbourne

A/Prof. Jennifer McIntosh, Implementation Scientist, University of Melbourne

Prof Melissa Southey, Molecular Geneticist, Monash University

Dr. Richard Allman, Chief Scientific Officer, GeneType Pty Ltd

Dr. Daniel Lee, Radiologist, Imaging Associates

Dr. Amelia Smit, Research Fellow, University of Sydney

Prof Anne Cust, Cancer Epidemiologist, University of Sydney

Dr. James Dowty, Statistician, University of Melbourne

Ms. Rachel Brooks, Research Nurse, University of Melbourne

Mr. Matthew Thoenig, Research Officer, University of Melbourne

Ms. Zoe Siviour, Research Assistant, University of Melbourne


GeneType (Genetic Technologies Limited)


This study is funded by Cancer Council Victoria and the University of Melbourne

Research Group

Cancer in Primary Care

Faculty Research Themes


School Research Themes

Cancer in Medicine

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre

General Practice and Primary Care

MDHS Research library
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