Radiology Book and Film Library

Book and Journal Library

The Library service is offered to staff of the Radiology Department of The University of Melbourne and The Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Book Library collection includes over 600 books, 50 print journals with 6 electronic journals, videotapes and CDs.

Loan facilities for books and bound journals are strictly for Radiology Department staff only.

Researchers, academics, students and other staff registered with the Royal Melbourne Hospital Health Sciences Library may request photocopies of Radiology journal articles through their services. The Brownless Library at the University of Melbourne is also a useful resource for medical texts for university staff and students.

Film Library

Film Library collection includes postgraduate and undergraduate collections. The films are strictly not for loan and may be studied at 8 viewing stations set up in the Film Library.

The library also provides two audio-viewer projectors with over 50 audio-visual postgraduate teaching programs and 10 undergraduate programs, together with CD-ROM teaching programs.


Postgraduate tutorials are held regularly in the Film Library. Access to the Film Library is restricted during tutorials.

Radiology Lecture Theatre

The Radiology Lecture Theatre is located adjacent to the Radiology Library on the 2nd floor above the radiology department. Seating 60 people it has overhead projection, projection screens, dual 35mm slide projectors, lecturn, video, digital projection and PC with CD drive and USB connection and network access.

Undergraduate and postgraduate lectures, review sessions, research meetings and departmental meetings, are regularly held in the Lecture Theatre.

Contact Us

Radiology Library
2nd Floor, 1B Building
The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Grattan Street
Parkville, VIC 3050 AUSTRALIA

Tel: + 61 3  9342 8338

Fax: + 61 3 9342 8369

Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm