A phase I/II double-blind, randomised controlled trial assessing effect of medicinal cannabis on overall quality of life for people with cancer

Project Details

Introduction: This collaborative study will explore the effect of medicinal cannabis on overall quality of life for people with cancer.

Title: A phase I/II double-blind, randomised controlled trial assessing effect of medicinal cannabis on quality of life and symptom control in advanced cancer.

Key Aim: To determine the safety, tolerability, and maximum dose of the study drug. To determine the impact of medicinal cannabis on global quality of life

Further Information: https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=378487&isReview=true


Principal Investigator: Dr Aaron Wong, Austin Hospital (Aaron.wong@austin.org.au)


Victorian Cancer Agency


Victorian Cancer Agency

Research Group

Faculty Research Themes


School Research Themes

Cancer in Medicine

Key Contact

For further information about this research, please contact the research group leader.

Department / Centre



St Vincent's Hospital

MDHS Research library
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