Donor Eggs in Australia Study

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology researchers  A/Prof Michelle Peate, Dr Sarah Lensen, PhD Students Ms Lucy Caughey, Dr Alex Polyakov and Honoraries Dr Violet Kieu, Dr Raelia Lew and Ms Franca Agresta have launched a new study on Donor Eggs in Australia.

There is a shortage of donor eggs worldwide. In Australia, there are often long waitlists for potential recipients, and a paucity of data on the experiences of pursuing egg donation.

Our Donor Eggs in Australia study will improve our understanding of the needs, preferences and alternatives for women in Australia who may require donated eggs to conceive. This data will inform improvements in patient accessibility and clinical quality of care, to create analysis to inform public health policy.

We therefore ask if you have any relevant patients, who have ever thought about, or been recommend to use donor eggs for conception, to invite them to our 20-minute survey:

This study has been approved by the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee.

Many thanks in advance for your support,

Dr Violet Kieu, Dr Sarah Lensen, Dr Alex Polyakov, Dr Raelia Lew, Ms Lucy Caughey, Ms Franca Agresta & Dr Michelle Peate

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Dr Violet Kieu