Improving the mental health of Victorian lifesavers

The Phoenix Australia Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health partnered with Life Saving Victoria (LSV) to develop the LSV Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy 2023-2026.

Life Saving Victoria

The Life Saving Victoria Wellbeing and Mental Health Model.

Lifesaving is undoubtedly rewarding, but it also comes with a range of challenges. One of the more significant challenges is exposure to potentially traumatic events, which can impact the wellbeing and mental health of dedicated lifesaving members, staff and volunteers.

Recognising this critical issue, Phoenix Australia, Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health, partnered with Life Saving Victoria (LSV) to develop the LSV Wellbeing and Mental Health Strategy 2023-2026 (the Strategy).

The Strategy is designed to align with evidence-informed, best-practice principles and considers the unique mental health requirements of LSV. The release of the inaugural Strategy lays out a comprehensive plan to address mental health focus areas for the organisation and provides a roadmap of what LSV is going to do over the next three years to improve the mental health of its people.

View the Strategy here.

Phoenix Australia is the National Centre of Excellence in Posttraumatic Mental Health, and is affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry in the Melbourne Medical School. Their mission is to advance the wellbeing and quality of life of individuals and communities who experience trauma and adversity through underpinning research, translation to practice, clinical services and training. Their policy development work aims to establish the best practice standards for the management of trauma. They translate research into action by working with organisations to develop best practice policies, procedures and strategies. To find out more about Phoenix Australia, visit their website here.

The LSV Wellbeing and Mental Health Model, developed by Phoenix Australia, is the centrepiece of the Strategy and represents LSV’s approach to the wellbeing and mental health of its people. At its core, the model exemplifies a person-centred approach, encapsulating the essence of LSV members' wellbeing. Comprising seven guiding principles and four focus areas, this model serves as the cornerstone of the Strategy.