Webinar: MD Flexible Pathways with the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute - recording now available

The Baker Department held an online information session on July 4th 2024.

MD students interested in undertaking cardiovascular research as part of their Flexible Pathways projects listened to students already in the program and lab heads from the Baker Institute, giving details of the benefits of coming to the Baker, projects on offer, and how to contact potential researchers.

The full session recording (~55min) is available at this link:

Recording, Baker Department 4 July 2024 MD Flexible Pathways Information Session.The Passcode is : NE0wDba!

MD students at the University of Melbourne are invited to hear about the work we do at the Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute, and available projects in:

As a research scholar in our department, you will spend 4 weeks in MD3 (preparation phase) and 18 weeks in MD4 (hands-on research at the bench or clinical data collection, analysis and presentation of findings).
Our basic and clinical researchers are dedicated to understanding cardiometabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart failure, rhythm problems, heart attack and stroke as well as finding new clinically relevant approaches to diagnosis and treatment for these diseases.

The Baker Department of Cardiometabolic Health is a collaboration between the Melbourne Medical School and the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, leveraging both organisations’ strengths in cardiometabolic capabilities.
Research in the department focuses on improving the lives of people with, or at risk of, cardiovascular disease (CVD), obesity and diabetes. These global health challenges affect many millions of people in Australia and globally.
Work at our department involves:

  • Developing novel diagnostic tools and therapeutics.
  • Using big data and new technologies, such as proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics, transcriptomics, genomics, to transform prevention, diagnosis and disease management.
  • A focus on clinical translation.
  • Contributing to clinical service delivery and prevention

More Information

Idan Ben-Barak
