
2023 Update

Thank you to all the practices that contribute EMR data to the Data for Decisions research initiative. This data is used by researchers across Australia with the aim of developing interventions or tools that can help GPs and patients make informed decisions about optimising their health.

4:31 min

Research Initiative

See our open access article - Gathering Data for Decisions - in the Medical Journal of Australia.
Rachel Canaway, Douglas IR Boyle, Jo‐Anne E Manski‐Nankervis, Jessica Bell, Jane S Hocking, Ken Clarke, Malcolm Clark, Jane M Gunn and Jon D EmeryMed J Aust 2019; 210 (6): S12-S16. || doi: 10.5694/mja2.50026

1:00 min

Introducing Data for Decisions

To be fully informed, listen to the full discussion about Data for Decisions (filmed April 2018):

Listen to the full audio (43 minutes)

3:00 min

Research Initiative (extended version)

The Data for Decisions program collects and uses de-identified patient information for research in an ethical and secure way. The information is stored in a database managed by the University of Melbourne. Data contributed by general practices will help to improve the way medical care is delivered and inform the education of future health professionals.

15 min