Dementia care resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

On Friday, 27th May the Vice Chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Professor Duncan Maskell, and Aboriginal Elder and national treasure, Uncle Jack Charles, officially launched a number of resources developed as part of the NHMRC-funded Let’s CHAT (Community Health Approaches To) Dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities research project, led by Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice, Department of Medicine.

Let's Chat Dementia resources include:

  • The Best-practice guide to cognitive impairment and dementia care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people attending primary care

A Guide to Cognitive Impairment & Dementia Care for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples

  • Let’s Talk about Brain Health and Dementia – it’s not a shame job : Two health promotion ads for Community starring Uncle Jack Charles and being broadcast nationally on SBS and NITV.

  • A 5-part suite of videos on: Yarning about memory and thinking problems and conducting a cognitive assessment
  • The Let’s CHAT Dementia Webinar series, a collaboration with Dementia Training Australia

Project Lead Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice, Department of Medicine, explained during the presentation that the Let’s CHAT Dementia resources have been developed to help raise awareness about dementia and cognitive impairment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities, to increase detection rates and optimise care for people at risk of or living with these conditions.