Graduate Research Degree Awarded - Katherine Belinda Frayman

Congratulations to Katherine Belinda Frayman - Graduate Research Degree Awarded 24 June 2021.

Degree: PhD
Supervisors: Sarath Ranganathan, Keith Grimwood and David Armstrong
Advisory Committee: Steve Graham (chair), Danielle Wurzel and Kathryn Holt

Thesis Title: Long-term outcomes following early infection and inflammation in cystic fibrosis lung disease

Thesis Summary: This thesis followed a birth cohort of 100 newly-diagnosed infants with CF in order to describe the evolution of the lower airway microbiota and to evaluate the impact of early lower airway infection and inflammation on 25-year outcomes. Differences between the microbiota of CF and healthy infants were apparent by age 6-months, and microbiota composition and structure were associated with inflammation. Early detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, but not Staphylococcus aureus, was associated with reduced survival and poorer long-term lung function.

Date awarded: 24 June 2021

Katherine Frayman