Honorary Appointments

Honorary Staff Member: Appointments

The University of Melbourne is an internationally recognised teaching and research institution with an outstanding reputation.

Honorary appointments are awarded to recognise individuals who make significant ongoing contributions through world-class, values-based teaching, research, research training, engagement, enterprise, leadership and service.

Honorary appointees are highly valued members of the Department of Paediatrics. The relationship with our Honorary Staff Member is one of mutual benefit.

Our Department benefits from the expertise and influence of the Honorary Staff Member, who in turn benefits from the opportunities, resources and reputation of the Department, the Melbourne Medical School and The University of Melbourne.

Types of Honorary Appointments

There are two types of Honorary Appointments within the Department of Paediatrics:

  1. Academic Honorary Appointment
  2. Clinical Honorary Appointment

You can apply for an Academic Honorary Appointment or Clinical Honorary Appointment.

Difference between Clinical and Academic Honorary Appointments

Clinical Honorary Appointments are only offered with the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences.

As a general rule, applicants for Clinical Honorary Appointments

  • would not have as strong a research track record as the equivalent Academic Honorary Appointments
  • have a greater strength in clinical and professional practice
  • should include recognition of research achievement where applicable
  • would meet the research criteria by achievement in clinical research. Basic research publications can also be considered provided the individual also meets the teaching criteria. Quality of publications will be taken into account
  • clinical competence criteria will be based on statements from a senior colleague, who has a clinical appointment at the level of Head of Hospital Department or professional equivalent.
  • are not automatically portable and will cease if the clinician leaves their clinical position, unless application is made based on a new clinical appointment or role.

Academic Honorary Appointments

An Academic (standard) Honorary Appointment is awarded to persons with a predominantly academic background. Those with Academic Honorary Appointments will normally have similar/equivalent teaching, research, knowledge transfer and leadership experience and roles as their paid equivalents from the University.

The purpose of an Academic Honorary Appointment is to provide recognition for the major contribution that has been or will be made to the University of Melbourne in terms of teaching in University courses, student supervision, research contribution and advancement of their discipline.

There are four levels of Academic Honorary Appointment:

  • Honorary Fellow (Level B)
  • Honorary Senior Fellow (Level C)
  • Honorary Principal Fellow (with the title of Associate Professor) (Level D)
  • Honorary Professorial Fellow (Level E)*

Note: Level E apppointees must familiarise themselves with the University's Expectations of a Professor.

Clinical Honorary Appointments

The purpose of an Honorary Clinical Fellow Appointment is to provide recognition for the major contribution that has been or will be made to the University of Melbourne by clinicians, particularly in terms of teaching in University courses and in scholarship and advancement of their clinical discipline.

There are five levels of Clinical Honorary Appointment:

  • Clinical Tutor (Level A)
  • Clinical Lecturer (Level B)
  • Clinical Senior Lecturer (Level C)
  • Clinical Associate Professor (Level D)
  • Clinical Professor (Level E)*

Note: Level E apppointees must familiarise themselves with the University's Expectations of a Professor.

Guidelines on criteria, expected contributions and achievements  for each level of appointment

Please refer to the following documents to help determine the type and level of Honorary Appointment that align with you:

Honorary Staff Member Benefits and Obligations

To find out more about the benefits, expectations and obligations of an Honorary Staff Member, please refer to the Benefits and Obligations webpage.