AcceSex Workshop 2021

About AcceSex

AcceSex is a workshop co-organised by CERSH and Women with Disabilities Victoria, focusing on creating more inclusive and accessible reproductive and sexual healthcare services and community programs for women with disabilities.

The workshop works to help community and health workers when working with women with disabilities around sexual and reproductive health.

We know from research that women with disabilities experience poorer sexual and reproductive health outcomes than non-disabled women. We also know that services and staff are not as accessible to women with disabilities as they could be. And staff often lack the confidence to meet the access needs of women with disabilities.

The staff from Women with Disabilities Victoria provide their expertise and guide the group discussions around these topics.

What information was included in an AcceSex workshop?

  • Disability, gender and intersectionality
  • Reproductive coercion, sterilisation, contraception and consent
  • Disability inclusion and best practice skills
  • Practical ways to make your service and professional practice more accessible
  • Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing session via break out groups

Watch the recording below from the AcceSex Workshop that took place on the 9th June, 2021.