Diverse Sexualities, Sex and Genders

People who are gender diverse, sexually diverse and/or live with intersex variation(s) can experience unintended pregnancies. An essential consideration is terminology. As terminology used to describe transgender, non-binary or gender diverse people is rapidly evolving, sourcing a contemporary guide is important.

In addition to asking about preferred pronouns and how they identify, you can ask your patients about what language they use to refer to their body parts and use this language. In addition to individualised care, seeking support from specialist services may also be advisable.

Consider the language used to describe your service and consider changing terminology - for example, from ‘’women to ‘anyone experiencing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy’.

  • Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents

    Published by the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.

    View Document

  • Trans Inclusive Abortion Services

    A manual for providers on operationalizing trans-inclusive policies and practices in an abortion setting (Canada).

    View Manual

  • Inclusive Practice Guide

    Inclusive Practice Guide that explains the differences between the the letters in LGBTI.

    View Resource

  • CERSH Online Learning - Avoiding Assumptions

    CERSH has developed free online learning modules related to rural sexual health care. One of the modules covers 'avoiding assumptions in sexual health care'. The module covers implementing strategies to engage people of all sexualities and gender identities.

    Go to Modules Overview