National Condom Day

National Condom Day - 14 February

National Condom Day is celebrated on 14 February each year to remind us that one of the easiest ways to look after your sexual health, and the sexual health of your partners, is to use condoms and dams (along with lube too!).

Condoms and dams are the best forms of prevention of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and condoms can also prevent unintended pregnancy. Young people (especially in rural areas) need easy access to condoms and dams to ensure they can be proud of the choices they make to look after their sexual health.

So, for the next National Condom Day here are our top tips to help make access to condoms and dams easy for rural young people:

  1. Check that your workplace offers FREE and ACCESSIBLE condoms and dams for young people
  2. If they do, great! Now, check stock levels and expiry dates. Order more stock if needed
  3. If your workplace doesn't offer free condoms and dams, be the person that changes this! Stock is cheap! A yearly supply could be as little as $200. Advocate for this to be included in the budget
  4. Spread the word! Watch and share the short clips below with other rural workers. Download free posters to display at your workplace to promote positive messages for young people
  5. If you need help with any of the above contact CERSH and we will be in touch to offer guidance and support (PS. we can supply free condom dispensers to eligible organisations).

Contact CERSH